The three categories of human behavior
(also called modes, attitudes or gunas )
1= The Satva - Guna
because of its purity of quality is the cause of light and illumination. It binds man, however, by creating an attachment to knowledge, happiness and bliss.
2= Rajo - Guna
The rajo-guna is made up of desire, attraction, repulsion, likes and dislikes, and attachment to objects
of desire. It binds man by repeatedly involving him
in the dynamics of work. Dynamism broadly includes excitement, reaction to action, a constant distraction
and so an antithesis to peace and calm. It attaches one to action.
3= Tamo - Guna
The tamo-guna is born out of ignorance and deludes person from his real nature. It binds by the dark qualities of
indolence, sleep and negligence. It attaches one to error and inaction.
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